Thursday, July 31, 2008


I like to knit on the subway with punk rock blasting from my iPod.

When you knit on the subway you have an audience. And when you look up everyone acts like they weren't watching you, even though you could feel their eyes. It's kind of fun.

No pictures right now. I have about 2" of purse sides. Wooooooo.

Purse Bottom

The sides have to be 10" tall before I switch colors.

P.S. I can't use the term "knit in the round" because it makes me think of singing in the round, and I can't knit with those kinds of songs in my head.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Felting, Purses, and Circular Knitting Galore

I'm starting on a new, slightly harder, project (yes, also from Stitch N Bitch): Meema's Felted Marsupial Tote.

This is what I have so far. The yarn:

The beginning:

(I think the needles look like tampons)

More as it progresses.

Scarf of My Own Accord

This isn't from a pattern, but I thought I'd make something with the leftover yarn from my first scarf. So I'm making a purple seed stitch scarf:

Powerful Wrist Protection

Also from Stitch N Bitch, I tried the Powerful Wrist Protection bracelet. Fist I made a black one with a red star, but something happened when I was binding off and it was too tight to go over my hand. So I added a button and strap and sewed the bottom up and made a handy dandy little iPod case, like so:

(incidentally, my mother likes to point out how flimsy and dangerous she thinks the strap looks every time she sees it. how long does it have to go without breaking for her to stfu already?)

Then I tried it again and made a red one with a black star, the binding off is still tight but at least it fits, so rock on:

Baby's First Scarf

Thanks to the wonderful Stitch N Bitch, my first project was the "Go Go Garter Stitch Scarf," thusly:

Not perfect, but you'll see it this winter. mmm hmm.


I'm keeping track of my knitting projects.

You can care if you want to, but it's not mandatory.